Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fighting with Flickr

Yesterday and today, I have been trying to discover the delights of Flickr. Unfortuately, I am having fits with getting to actually see the pictures that are displayed there! Most come up with red X's and therefore are not available to me...argh!

I was slightly successful, I found a group that have taken some breathtaking shots of full moons! I just happen to be a bit of a "moonie" so it seemed like a good search to me. Eureka! Most of these shots came up!

And this one....well, a view like that and a porch swing would be bliss! Okay, I have not yet figured out how to upload the picture correctly!!!! Guess the size is wrong, so......
ANOTHER LEARNING SPEED BUMP! I will figure this out, right after I inhale a few more cookies....!@#$%


  1. I'm with you Kat on the red "x" pictures! Ugh. I don't know what went wrong!!
