Friday, January 29, 2010

Ha, even more fun with RSS :-)

Thanks to Angela, I have figured out how to add my "feeds" to my blog page. I know that all my followers wanted to know the latest on how to keep their horses healthy! Actually, I found a group of really cool blogs on YA literature in a previous SLJ and added them along the side of my blog. Enjoy!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wheeee, fun with RSS Feeds!

This is fun!!!!! I did not have to yank out the Girl Scout Cookies cause I was able to get onto Bloglines and add my "Feeds" rather easily. The instructions were clear and I am looking forward to checking these daily! I even found one that will update me on the latest "techie" toys and another on "Horse Health"! Yea!
I only hope that the rest of this assignment flows as easily!

Now to the actual blogging assignment: I love the expediency of RSS and think that I will enjoy being updated on subjects that work both professionally and personally.
I can see Library feeds keeping patrons up to date on new aquisitions, activities and meetings.
Finding feeds was easy at first as Bloglines gives you some choices that you can collect on your first screen but then I had a bit of a problem finding others once I left that screen. Sooooooo, I googled some of my favorite sites to see if they had any RSS's and collected those to add. Happily, the instructions on how to do this were simple enough that I managed it after only 2 tries! Much less drama than Flickr :-)

Forgiving Flickr

Ok, I will stop sounding like a bratty 5 year old when talking about Flickr. Seems that the reason that I am having "issues" with access is that our districts protective measures block all the pictures that are linked to "suspicious" external links. Now that I know that, I will explore the site this weekend on my agonizingly slow dial-up.

For the other confused people out there who do not know the definition of the terms: Blog Posts Permalink URL The definition is the address given to each individual post in a log accessed by clicking on the time that the post was uploaded! TaDa!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fighting with Flickr

Yesterday and today, I have been trying to discover the delights of Flickr. Unfortuately, I am having fits with getting to actually see the pictures that are displayed there! Most come up with red X's and therefore are not available to me...argh!

I was slightly successful, I found a group that have taken some breathtaking shots of full moons! I just happen to be a bit of a "moonie" so it seemed like a good search to me. Eureka! Most of these shots came up!

And this one....well, a view like that and a porch swing would be bliss! Okay, I have not yet figured out how to upload the picture correctly!!!! Guess the size is wrong, so......
ANOTHER LEARNING SPEED BUMP! I will figure this out, right after I inhale a few more cookies....!@#$%

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

An addendum to my first blog...cause I didn't read the instructions fully either!

I love new technology but am really a slow learner at it....that may come as a surprise to some but I honestly struggle with all of this! However, as a good Librarian should, I soldier on until I either have a meltdown or I master the new project. I am sure with the aid of MANY Girl Scout cookies, I will master blogging with a minimum of squeals of anger/angst!

I have been a Library Media Goddess for 24 years, the last 12+ in HEBISD. I work with Jr. High students and have found my niche. They are as confounding as I am, just as silly and like the same kind of reading materials. Thank goodness I have an open minded staff, supportive Administrators and students who write me off as "crazy but not dangerous".

Floundering along the Digital Pathways...

In the beginning, we were bloggless...we actually "spoke" to people (now called "facetime") but we (Librarians) must drag ourselves into the 21st century and the technology required to "speak" to our digital natives that we serve.

So, I will blather here about my learning or lack of as I stumble thru the digital wilderness :-P